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Quick start

Here we are going to implement a simple Jetton using the Tonion toolkit to get you familiar with the Tonion quickly, in next chapters we will dive deep into details and make more complex contract and projects.

Download the Jetton trait

In this quick guide we are going to use contract library of Tonion toolkit.

First of all, you have to go to contracts/traits/tokens/Jetton trait directory and clone source code of both JettonWallet.tact and JettonMaster.tact, Alternatively you can get them using Tonion CLI.

Adding library to imports

Once you had the source code of traits, you need to initialize your project using blueprint. Once you had your project ready, you can add it to contracts/imports/tonion directory (if you use Tonion CLI it will do it for you).

Writing our own token

We are going to call our token TonionJetton as example. so we create these files:

  1. contracts/TonionJettonMater.tact
  2. contracts/TonionJettonWallet.tact

Don't forget to change the Jetton name(TonionJetton) to your jetton name!

then we continue them by adding the following code:


import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "../imports/tonion/JettonMaster.tact";
import "../imports/tonion/JettonWallet.tact";

contract TonionJettonMaster with JettonMaster, Deployable {
total_supply: Int as coins;
owner: Address;
jetton_content: Cell;
mintable: Bool;

init(owner: Address, content: Cell){
self.total_supply = 1000000;
self.owner = owner;
self.mintable = true;
self.jetton_content = content;

override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf TonionJettonWallet(owner_address, myAddress());


import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "../imports/JettonMaster.tact";
import "../imports/JettonWallet.tact";

contract TonionJettonWallet with JettonWallet, Deployable {
balance: Int as coins = 0;
owner: Address;
jetton_master: Address;

init(owner: Address, jetton_master: Address) {
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_master = jetton_master;

override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf TonionJettonWallet(owner_address, self.jetton_master);

if you need customize message receiver you can define it in your Jetton contract

Jetton implementation without Tonion

Let's implement a Jetton master and wallet without Tonion 🙂 :

Tact by example basic jetton implementation